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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Random Browsing Yields Random Rewards

Though I have certainly abandoned the X-Box LIVE Marketplace completely, I have missed out on some good deals and even several free downloads from the PlayStation Store. That is why I have made it a habit to check it out every so often but perhaps I don't do it often enough. I am sure glad that I did so tonight however because I saw that Sony is offering an old PlayStation Portable game for free without having to subscribe to that nasty Plus program:

Shouldn't that be $5.99 for non-Plus member?

If you don't have the game already, make sure to claim it before the promotion expires. The third game in the series is coming out later this month for the PlayStation Vita so I suppose this is a promotional stunt by XSEED Games. It is a generous offering however. I don't see this game or its sequel gracing my future induction list so let's hope that it is actually worth the download.

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