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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, October 28, 2013

A League of Legends Vacation

I have been playing too much League of Legends by Riot Games on the Personal Computer. That is a fact. If you check the monthly gaming analysis, you will see it securing the most played game spot with a violent consistency. As you can see from the screenshot below, ever since I started to use Origin to track my LoL gameplay hour from around March of this year - and I believe there is a period of time when I actually removed it from Origin because of technical issues - I have clocked in around 841 hours playing this game.

That's a lot.

Now this is not a bad thing. I think it's great that I have found a game that is so addictive and manages never to get boring. It does become a problem for the other games in my library though. So I have decided to take some time away from LoL, just for a little bit. I am going to not play it for a week or two and focus my attention on other games. Don't worry LoL, I will be back soon enough!

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