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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, September 17, 2010

A New PlayStation 3 Story

I should have known that there was something extraordinarily odd when my significant other left work early today. Just as I was lamenting over my dead PlayStation 3 in last night's entry, low and behold, I got myself a new PS3 console today. I am completely blown away by this... It came to me as a complete surprise and bundled with it, a large financial sacrifice from my significant other. I may have whined about my lover not being a gamer several times in the past but this is a testament that though we are beings of opposite polarity when it comes to our individual obsessions, understanding is more important than anything else in a relationship. Of course, since the money that comes out between myself and my significant other has a direct impact on our combined life as a whole, new games - well, I have one coming in today via mail - will be inducted at a much slower pace than usual for a while.

Actually, the new design doesn't look as ugly in person.

The unit that my significant other got me is the 160GB model and though I miss the whole bulky skyscraper look of the original, I like the the glow on the disc tray and power buttons when the unit is on. The unit looks nice laying on its side so I don' think I will be getting the stand to erect this one vertically. Compared to the old PS3, this unit is also extremely quiet. I can't even hear the fan whatsoever. I am sure that I will miss the backwards compatibility with my huge PS2 collection but I do have my PS2 to take care of that need. This extremely pleasant surprise really made my existence... I can't thank you enough, baby!

I know that It Only Does Everything but I hope it doesn't know how to die.


Anonymous said...

is it the bundle with the "move"?

Loner Gamer said...

No, it isn't. I already have the PlayStation Eye so the bundle would have been pointless. That bundle doesn't even include the Navigation Controller.

Anonymous said...

Too bad :(