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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

LoL Fail

As you could gather from yesterday's Monthly Gaming Analysis, League of Legends on the Personal Computer has been an integral part of my gaming life for the past three months. I was looking forward to playing more of the game today when I noticed that the client was continually giving me a terrible "The launcher has experienced an error. Please restart this application." message. Apparently, many others are facing the same dilemma and I even tried reinstalling the game but that of course, failed to work. I guess it will take a while longer before I can get a chance fighting alongside or against the game's latest champion, Miss Fortune. In the mean time, Riot Games is taking the matter very, very seriously, as evidenced by the delicious image that pops up if you try to visit the official website at the moment:

What is heavier than a whale and twice as stinky?
Nothing is sexier than a semi-naked Gragas... Nothing!

Update Note: 09/09/2010 - If you are having the same problem, check out the solution from the community on the official game forum by manually replacing corrupted files using the instructions found here.

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