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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, September 20, 2010

New PlayStation 3 Casualty

It is great having a live PlayStation 3 in my Game Room again and I was aware of my inability to do a file transfer between my PS3s (since the broken one can't even be turned on) will result in a lot of data loss. What I fail to realize however is that I have invested a lot of time playing this one supposedly super game and now... I have to replay the game from the very beginning. That thought alone has sent me into a spiraling madness because that game is... Final Fantasy XIII!

FFXIII is not a bad game. It's just ruined by its insistence in getting a multi-platform release.

I stopped playing the game right before what I suspect to be the last section leading to the finale and I invested around 50+ hours into the game at that point. Though I think that the storyline for this game is better than most in the series, the linearity of the game design will kill me. I don't know if I can stand going through some of the cheesy moments in the game again... Oh well, at least it looks real pretty right? Oh the hair graphics looks so very convincing... Not! This should teach me to focus on finishing up one game and one game only before moving on to something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

take it as a test. You are a hardcore gamer! you can beat it 100 times if it´s necesary :p