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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Hallway of Naked People

As someone who does gaming livestreams on a daily basis, the last thing I want is to accidentally capture something... untoward for my viewers. I have a number of accidental "features" shown during my livestreams, believe it or not, due to honest mistakes. It doesn't happen at the level and frequency shown by these Zoom noobs ever since the pandemic started several years ago, but sometimes there are just things outside of my control since I am not alone in this house. Unfortunately, I can't just lock the door to the Game Room - heck, I can't even close it completely shut, all because of my little Yoshi. It's not possible for me to have the traditional doggy door setup at the moment so if she needs to get out there to do her business, I have to make sure that she gets to do that because I can't depend on anyone else to open the backdoor for her.

Some have mistaken that hallway for a nudist beach.

It's not like it's unknown that I always livestream myself whenever I am in the Game Room. It's just that people just don't care. To help eliminate the occurrences of naked people on my stream, I have decided to install a doorway curtain for the Game Room. This should at least act as a reminder that people can't just step into the room anytime they want. It will definitely ensure that no naked passerby will be caught by my webcam ever again. Yoshi seems to be deterred from entering the room, however, but she just needs to learn that she can just push herself through anytime she wants. Let's hope this works!

I don't know why I'm so worried about this because I have seen where clothing is optional on twitch.

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