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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, March 10, 2023

Games to Revisit: A 10K Library Reflection

I have 10,000+ titles in my Game Library. That's a lot of games. Now, I have always been honest about them: I get distracted a lot thus, there are many titles that I have not played enough of to see all that they have to offer. I have always made sure that for the consoles, especially, every time I get a new game, it is routine for me to play them at least once. Things are a little harder with Personal Computer games these days because when I get them in bulk, sometimes I would miss installing and booting up a number of them. I want to be better about this of course because my games deserve better - and I do too.

The console era is pretty much over and gone but there is much to celebrate from its illustrious past.

Remember that I was looking for a way to celebrate my 10K milestone? Well, I have found a great way to honor my journey in gaming thus far. Here is a selection of games from my older gaming platforms that are placed in my priority list. It doesn't mean that I will get to them immediately. It just means that I know I have easy options instead of defaulting to Heroes of the Storm all the time. I am only making this a console exclusive task because I already game on the PC mostly these days, so I think this is a fair arrangement.

--- PlayStation 2 ---

--- PlayStation 3 ---

--- X-Box ---

--- X-Box 360 ---

--- Nintendo GameCube ---

--- Wii ---

To make things interesting, I will update the status of this project by adding notes under the pictures of these games once they have been revisited, whether completely, or not. Holding these game cases brought back the excitement I felt when I first inducted them into my Game Library. I look forward to playing them!

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