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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wii Remote Plus Luigi Is Full of Win

I was looking online for some replacement heads for the spouse's ancient electric toothbrush when I stumbled into something so very beautiful... and strange. It's Nintendo's new Wii Remote Plus Luigi!

Utter perfection.

Nintendo had also released a Mario-themed Wiimote+ to accompany this one but you know, it's just so red and all that. This Luigi green is just so pleasing to the eyes and those multi-colored buttons and that blue bottom-half? Delicious. Now as you may already know, even though I don't have anyone locally to play my games with, I always keep a second controller handy in case an intergalactic miracle happens but I don't believe in having more than two controllers because it's just wasteful. A history is made with this Luigi Wiimote+ however because I am willing to welcome it into my Game Room to replace one of my Wiimotes with it. It's easier to justify this action too because I don't have a Wiimote+ yet and with this Luigi controller, I don't have to deal with that MotionPlus attachment anymore. Great controller skin Nintendo! I cannot wait to hold this in my hand!

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