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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Contrast: PS4 Reached Its Limit Already?

You can blame it on poor optimization or freely blame it on the Compulsion Games' minimal game development experience but the fact of the matter is, one of the free games you get with the PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Plus program is blatantly showing horrible frame rates. What makes it worse? Unlike the other free PS+ game, the particle-crazed shooter Resogun, Contrast looks like it could easily been made on the previous cycle of consoles (Update Note: 11/22/2013 - I discovered that the game is available on the older consoles so yeah, it really shouldn't have any frame rate issues on the PS4). There's nothing high-tech about it because its visuals lean heavily towards a strong art style over anything else. I was playing this game last night and it's a pretty decent game other than the fact that the frame rate stutters and drops too frequently. It is inexcusable that a new console - I refuse to call these newer consoles as "next gen" because there is no such thing and if you want an evolving tech, get a gaming Personal Computer - would not be able to handle a game like this perfectly with ease. A viewer on Twitch wondered if me streaming the game caused it but it wasn't even a factor since I was streaming using my PC instead of using the PS4's native streaming function. With the recently released Need for Speed: Rivals reportedly having a locked frame rate of 30 on the consoles, it should be obvious that the tech jump from PS3 to PS4 is not all that huge nor all that necessary. Sony should have been more careful about these early releases.

The shadow gameplay thing has been done before but the frame rate is the real problem here.

Update Note: 01/01/2014 - I launched Contrast today and I can confirm that the frame rate problems were still there. I doubt that this is something that can be fixed with a patch because if that was the case, it would have been addressed by now. Disappointing, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry buddy bt you got it all wrong. The judder you see is actually the ps4 rendering the game far beyond 60 fps at times, which is easily mistaken as frame rate loss. Much like what COD ghost frame rate issue was. Enjoy and wait for it to get patched.