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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, May 6, 2013

Games Played 04/29/2013 - 05/05/2013

- 04/29/2013 -
Castle Crashers - PC
Warriors Orochi 3 - PlayStation 3

- 04/30/2013 -
Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires - PlayStation 3
Jetpack Joyride - PC
Warriros Orochi 3 - PlayStation 3

- 05/01/2013 -
Audiosurf - PC
Fez - PC
League of Legends - PC

- 05/02/2013 -
Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires - PlayStation 3
GundeadliGne - PlayStation 3
League of Legends - PC
Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition- Wii U
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - Wii

- 05/03/2013 -
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC
League of Legends - PC

- 05/04/2013 -
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC
League of Legends - PC

- 05/05/2013 -
Audiosurf - PC
League of Legends - PC
Tomb Raider - PC
Zack Zero - PC

Screenshot of the Week:

This is how I feed my kitty.

1 comment:

Chalgyr said...

Pretty beefy list of games there. Audiosurf - that's one I haven't played in a long time. I picked it up as part of the Steam Potato Sack bundle a couple of years ago.