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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, December 14, 2012

Buying Movies on Consoles?

I received the following promotional email from dear old Microsoft the other day and thought that it was really funny that they are really trying to push people to buy digital movies for the X-Box 360. I can surely see the reason behind people buying digital movies on the PlayStation 3 because you know, you can upgrade your hard drive easily there as I myself have 1TB worth of yummy space. But if I was a digital movie buyer, I'd just stick with getting them on my Personal Computer thank you very much but on the 360? No, I don't think so. The maximum amount of HDD you can get it 250GB and unless you are not gaming on the 360, that will be filled up with gaming goodies. All this push for non-gaming media... Microsoft should really just leave the console gaming world behind and start making money where they should be making money... From the PC! When it comes to the next X-Box iteration they should just announce the gaming PC as the "X-Box Forever"... KA-CHING!
Bane's Mask = $3,300. Not buying digital movies on 360 = priceless.

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