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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Loner, You Dirty, Dirty Gamer

Only 13 hours left before the end of the Steam Summer Sale and I am frantically adding quite a number of discounted games into the cart. I feel dirty for inducting so many games within just a period of one week. Not that I have never done it before. It always happen with the arrival of some crazy Steam promotional period. It's funny too that it seems like there are just an unending amount of games to get from the service. There are games that are still expensive even after the price cut and those are the games that I decided to wait upon until next year's offerings, which I am sure by then that those games will be cheaper. I guess this circle will never end... Not that I am complaining. Still, I feel really dirty. I need to wash something to make me feel better... Oh, I got an idea:

Yes, I feel much better now.


Chalgyr said...

Easily the 'worst' I've been was around this time last year, when I bought a huge package of like, all Sega games, plus a handful of other discounted titles. I still haven't gotten through like half the games yet...

Loner Gamer said...

If I didn't have a bulk of the games that were offered in those publisher bundles, I would have gotten them. The savings on those are just out of this world. I take it you were just slightly naughty this recent Steam Summer Sale?