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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, February 4, 2011

Skipping to Dead Space 2

Earlier this evening, I inserted the Dead Space game disc into my X-Box 360 and proceeded to install the game onto the console's hard drive - I only play my retail 360 games after they are installed. As I was about ready to jump back into the game, I stopped myself: I wanted to do something different. As I have mentioned before, I have not completed the original game yet so I feel obligated to get through it first before I start playing Dead Space 2 that I just got for the PlayStation 3. I am mighty curious about the sequel however so I decided to just play it instead of the first game. The only bad thing about this as I have discovered during the first 5 minutes of the game is that you get so see bits and pieces of the original game's ending. Do I regret playing the sequel so quickly? No, not really because I know that when I jump back on that first game, it is still going to scare me to death.

No, I won't play them simultaneously. I'd probably be psychologically damaged beyond repair.

Speaking of being scared to death, DS2 certainly knows how to accomplish that very goal. I was able to survive playing all the way to Chapter 4 until I had to say "That's enough!". I do have to note that this game is slightly less scary than the original however because of the larger environments that you get to explore. The first game takes place in a spaceship while DS2 happens in a massive space city. There's something about being able to look out of a window to view a row of buildings that break that illusion of confinement somewhat. That still didn't stop me from yelling on the top of my lungs whenever I get ambushed by those nasty Necromorphs - to my significant other's amusement - but the first two chapters didn't mess me up so much. I know it's bad when I just can't find myself moving Isaac to investigate the next room and this didn't happen too often during tonight's play session. The venues are getting creepier and creepier however and I sure hope that I will be able to muster up the courage to get to the end of the game. I better be able to do that... If not, perhaps it would be time to admit that I cannot play horror video games anymore... Thanks a lot Fatal Frame II!


Gameolio said...

Yes, yes, yes!

Such a thrill ride LG. The scream echoes my experience.

I'm in the same boat more or less. Hadn't played the first one, but knew a bit from rumblings over the web. Enough so that warranted a quick look into the second one before going to the first.

However, I just couldn't stop and went the entire way. I'm glad that I did. What a ride!

Still looking forward to jumping into the first one to boot.

Hope you get back into it!

Loner Gamer said...

I am definitely going to finish this second game before the first.

On Saturday, I jumped on the game and after half an hour, I had to stop... It is just so scary but I am going to do my best.