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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Poster Justice

Remember that one day last year when I unwrapped those special Yu-Gi-Oh! cards bundled alongside their respective PlayStation 2 games? Well, I am now doing the same thing with posters that are packaged in with my video games. I don't know why it took me a while to come into this realization but these game posters are meant to be enjoyed instead of stored where I couldn't see them. The posters that are already on my Game Room wall previously have never been the ones that came along with a retail game. I got them mostly from old gaming magazines.

It's getting crowded in here.

Before now, I have viewed these newly displayed posters as extremely critical parts to the games they are coupled with and that separating them apart would tarnish the completeness of those games. How wrong I was with that presumption. As I mentioned before, I am not a "collector" and I want to really enjoy these video gaming materials I own to the best of my abilities. It would have been very tragic if I died without ever having these beautiful artwork posted up this way because I would be missing out on the radiance of joy and companionship they brought to me in their proper utilization. If a game comes with a poster in the future, I will make sure that the poster gets on my wall immediately. No regrets - that's the kind of  life that I want to live.

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