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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, May 5, 2013

No Tibbers in Tiburon

The spouse and I went on a little road trip today since we haven't spent a lot of time doing anything extra special with each other. We took a drive to Tiburon - a neat little coastal town just to the north of San Francisco. I didn't know that this place even existed and both the spouse and I had never been here before. The weather was nice too for it was a bit cloudy and cool, just the way I liked it. We didn't expect much from the visit other than enjoying a little bit of an adventure but the view of the San Francisco Bay was beautiful. The town was dog friendly too so having Yoshi with us ended up being a worthwhile decision. We were going to leave her with a friend but changed our minds this morning because the thought of her not being close to us for the whole day was just a bit too much to bear.

Maybe we'll take you all the way to The City one day Yoshi.

Days like this one reminded me of the life pleasures that can be found outside of gaming. It's great to just spend some time with the person I love where it's all about the two of us (and Yoshi) and nothing else in between. I definitely rather be doing this than having the spouse watching me game and me being distracted at what's happening on the screen. But of course, it is still fun to be surprised by the spouse with the gifts of games on our way back from Tiburon... Oh yeah!

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