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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Book of Spells: The Missing Pages

We all know that all-digital game distribution is the eventual future of video games. I have embraced it for a long time and I just cannot wait until it becomes universal across all platforms. On the Personal Computer, the transition is 99% complete - I can't believe that there are still a small number of developers that still dare sell physical discs for their games on that awesome platform when they have Steam or their own websites to assist with the sales. As for the consoles, it is funny to see all these awkward shortcuts the developers are taking to reduce the cost of physical game distribution instead of just moving ahead with full digital distribution. Like the way that the "instruction manual" is printed inside the case of Wonderbook: Book of Spells for the PlayStation 3 that I just received today:

Why even bother though when the game is going to be packed full of tutorials anyway?

I haven't played the game yet but I really love the design of the large, 12-pages thick Wonderbook. I can appreciate the idea behind the creation of this PlayStation Eye companion piece. It's like the virtual version of those pop-up books but only more interactive and imaginative. It is such a shame however to think that it may not be utilized by other developers outside of this particular title and the upcoming Diggs Nightcrawler. There is so much potential here but I suppose this is what happens when Sony is just itching to jump ship to focus on a new console instead of expanding the life of the already established, utterly underutilized PlayStation 3...

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