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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Current State of Multi-Console Games III

While re-downloading contents onto my new PlayStation 3, it just occurred to me that Sony has a stringent digital rights management tool implementation where you are only limited to download the gaming contents you purchased to 5 individual PS3 units. I contacted Sony via email - I love having a written trail for these kinds of things - and requested them to reset my download limit and deactivate the previous console. I was surprised by the response that I got: Basically, the Sony representative explained to me that they would only deactivate previous consoles when the customer has reached the 5 download limit and that the deactivation process is a one time courtesy. One can always deactivate the system oneself via the Xross Media Bar menu but that of course requires that the previous PS3 is still working. I just found this to be nonsensical especially when you can transfer licenses more easily with the X-Box 360 even with Microsoft's once per year setup because it only requires you to have your new 360 console and access to the license transfer website. I did express my disappointment to them but I am not about to argue too much about this since I do still have the broken PS3 with me.

Sony did however unlock the songs I purchased for SingStar so that I could download those again on the new system - song and video downloads are locked only to one console - but they said that it will take about 7-10 business days before I could actually do it. As much as I don't like Microsoft's money hungry mentality, at least they have better common sense in making their customers feel secured about their Live Marketplace purchases so I have decided that for all direct download games, I will always choose the 360 version to avoid future license limit complications - unless the 360 version of those games are vastly inferior. I will still favor the PS3 for disc-based games though but perhaps that may change as well if the title has a lot of downloadable contents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That´s not fair!