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Friday, July 18, 2014

EA: Not So Bad?

There are a lot of Electronic Arts haters out there, especially when Origin was first introduced but I am not one of them. As a matter of fact, I used to think that Origin was cool and the only reason why I am not a big fan of it anymore is because EA themselves don't show full support towards their own digital distribution platform - and yeah, I have tested the client recently and found that the issue with tracking non-Origin game time was still there. But you know, EA is trying to entice more people to adopt and use Origin, like introducing their "In the House" free game offerings where they give users permanent access to really, really old games. Several days ago, I received the following email from EA:

That's quite an upgrade.

This is pretty cool for me because I was only able to register a couple of the expansions that came out for The Sims 2 on Origin because not all of them are available there but now, I will have access to all of them in this "Ultimate Collection". This upgrade is even more valuable for those who never bought these expansions to begin with as long as they have added The Sims 2 to Origin. You see, EA can be pretty generous. Apparently, they feel very charitable when it comes to their old games. I wanted to make sure that EA made good on their upgrade promise before I posted this: I can confirm now that after waiting for several days, the game finally shows up in my Origin Game Library today:

Ever the more reason not to touch the unnecessary The Sims 4 until 5 years after its release.

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