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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dynasty Warriors 8: XL on the Steam Page!

I have been checking every day ever since I heard that Tecmo Koei's Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition would be released this month and this morning, the game is finally officially listed on Steam with a $49.99 price tag and the definitive May 13th release date, complete with fake reviews of the Personal Computer version - Valve needs to stop developers from posting reviews of the console versions of games being released on Steam. Yeah, that's $10 more than my preferred game price but this game is definitely an exception and anyone who cares about Personal Computer gaming should support this release. Strangely, the pre-order is still not available yet for us to secure our copies immediately! This feeling of Xtreme excitement for a game's release is rare for me but the Dynasty Warriors series always has that special place in my heart!

The series has finally been Steampowered. Welcome home!

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