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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fat Surprise at Best Buy! I Got Wii Fit!

Earlier today in my Daily Game Log, I mentioned that I was going to pick up a new X-Box 360 controller and it looks like that turned out to be a great decision. I had actually placed an online order for the controller yesterday but I don't like to wait a week for it to arrive so I cancelled it and went to a local Best Buy instead. When I got there, I went to the Wii section just to see if the Wii Fit is available, a practive I started about a month ago. Lo and behold... There was one sitting underneath the game shelf. On Sunday, Best Buy advertised that they would be selling the Wii Fit but since it was noon when I read that ad, I thought that it must have already sold out. Apparently I was wrong. I immediately grabbed it and a couple the other things I was originally there for and headed straight to the cash register.

The Balance Board is bigger than I imagined it.
It's twice the width of your common household scale.

I do not plan to stop exercising using the X-Box's Yourself!Fitness just because I now have the Wii Fit. That would be stupid. I will continue working out with Maya in the morning and use Wii Fit in the evening since the latter is a more casual and less structured fitness program. I haven't been losing any real weight ever since I started Yourself!Fitness - it's just that my body mass is shifting and I am getting a nice tone from it. The last time, it took about 2 months before the actual body weight started to drop and I am just merely approaching month number one. Hopefully with Wii Fit in the picture, I can see a boost in my fitness progress. Expect my Wii Fit preview to be published here tomorrow.

Perhaps the broken controller was a blessing in disguise? Nah!

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