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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Current State of Multi-Console Games

About a month ago, I complimented Sony for its innovative trophy system. It was so impressive, it convinced me to declare that I would purchase the PlayStation 3 versions of all upcoming multi-console releases just so that I could level up my online ID. Unfortunately for Sony, this victory didn't last very long. The announcement made by Microsoft a couple of weeks ago changed everything.

More games, less load time.

I am of course referring to the upcoming "play from hard drive" ability of the X-Box 360. This revolutionary new feature enables ALL of the X-Box 360 games to be copied straight into the HDD. And yes, that means even the previously released games. It's not just the wishy-washy partial installs found on the PlayStation 3 either... We're talking about a full installation of the discs. If you are not a gamist and play games across all platforms as I do, you should know what this means: the elimination of load time similar to what is seen on the Personal Computer. Probably not as fast and I have to see it to believe it. We still have to feed the original discs into the machine to prove that we own the games but that is nothing compared to the benefits presented. This feature is also streamlining the way for the future of gaming: direct to drive purchases of all console games. Microsoft is heading towards the right direction. The next step for them is to sell all upcoming new titles straight from the X-Box Live game page: we may have to wait for the next generation(s) of consoles for that one though.

Oh how I regret buying these for the PlayStation 3...

I am sorry Sony. In a few days, I am going to purchase the X-Box 360 version of the new Soul Calibur IV: The Dark Side can't help you here. From now on, I am only going to purchase exclusive games for the PlayStation 3 (too bad for Final Fantasy XIII). Not even slight graphical improvement can convince me otherwise: That was the only reason why I bought Burnout Paradise and Devil May Cry 4 for Sony's wonder-console. I was so close to doing the same thing with Grand Theft Auto IV. The X-Box 360 has won the war when it comes to multi-console game releases. There's no shame in admitting that when you own all the gaming systems because the competition element of the industry will always lead to better things for us gamers. If only Sony would implement the same thing for the PlayStation 3.... Now that's a thought!

1 comment:

Chai said...

wow...that's a lot of games...