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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, February 12, 2011

X-Box Live: Fool's Gold

My X-Box Live Gold subscription for my X-Box 360 is expiring at the end of the month and I am having second thoughts about renewing it. The price is not much of a factor. The problem here is the actual amount of time I spent using the service, especially these days when it seems like my whole entire online gaming time is spent on League of Legends. I have only kept my Gold subscription to unlock the online multiplayer portion of the service and nothing else. If I decided to just use the Silver level membership, that would mean that I would have to get the PlayStation 3 version of games that have online multiplayer feature but that fact in itself already made me weary about taking such a step because there are indeed a lot of games that I have for the 360 that will be rendered a bit useless without having access to Live Gold.  I would also lose access to join a party chat but again, it is just another frivolous feature for me since I hardly ever use it. Perhaps the best thing to do is to see whether or not I would miss having Live Gold after the subscription expired. I could always renew it if I actually felt like I was missing something. This is a tough decision to make because the Live Gold service is what defines the quintessential 360 experience.

I was there since early beta thus making it harder to say goodbye...

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