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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two Worlds, A Second Chance

My significant other got Two Worlds II for me via Steam today. It is a role playing adventure game by Reality Pump Game Development Studios that had come up during our daily conversation when the subject of video game got mentioned - apparently my significant other got the idea that I am really interested in the game. You have probably noticed that ever since that one huge "bulk" purchase of Steam games last year, the rate of my gaming inductions has decreased tremendously. This is because I really want to take things a little slower and look at the games that I do have in my Game Library currently. I would be lying to you if I were to tell you that I do not want to get more games because I do but I also realize that the amount of games coming my way is definitely higher than the actual time I have going through each of them. It was painful to actually go without a new game in a short period of time but I am used to that idea now. In fact, I may not even have Dragon Age II soon after it hits the stores and instead I would get the "Game of the Year Edition" of the game that we all know would be released later on this year. If I really do have that kind of patience, I would be richly rewarded with having the definite version of the game that comes with all of its post-release add-ons. Something tells me that I will not be able to resist the pull of that game however...

Those bloodthirsty living skeletons are in every other video game it seems like.

Back to Two Worlds II. I didn't enjoy the first game that much. It was glitchy and short but I have high hopes that this sequel will redeem the franchise. One thing for sure is that the graphics in this sequel are a lot better than the original but pretty games can only go so far. It is too bad that I can't capitalize on the DirectX 10 support - I got to make that move to Windows 7 soon. Two Worlds II can be played using the X-Box 360 controller and despite losing four quick slot access, the rather stiff first-person shooter style keyboard/mouse movement configuration translates well onto the controller layout. I have only spent a couple of minutes checking out the game but I am already intrigued by it... Even though the hero that I am controlling looks extremely ugly in the face and no, you can't customize the facial features of your character! Ewww! [Update Note: 02/24/2011 - How could I not see the facial customization options during the character creation screen? I just discovered it while reading the online manual. That's what happens when you don't read the game manual, kids. Now, I must now create a new character!]

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