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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marvel versus Who?

Today is one of those days when people get all super excited about picking up a newly released game. Yes, I am talking about Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds for the PlayStation 3 and the X-Box 360. Though I am a fan of the series, I am in the minority when it comes to this game - that is to say that I am very disappointed over the further simplification of the controls (now three attack buttons versus four in the sequel and six in the original) and the shockingly low amount of characters available compared to the sequel. It is apparent that Capcom is probably going to cash in big time on this game by releasing more characters in the future but I have my doubts that the last number of selectable fighters would not reach the supreme height of 56 found in the previous release. Even with all of these concerns, I do want to play the game however but then something happened. Instead of going to the store, I found myself randomly starting this one game that had been installed on my Personal Computer for a long time... And since I started playing it, I lost track of time and I only stopped when it was time for dinner! So no cheap, unbalanced fighting game here for me... yet! Instead, I got to play around with this:

Beware of the angry Seraphim!

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