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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Review: Piranha 3D

Piranha 3D (2010)
Genre: Horror
Format: Theatrical Release
Director: Alexandre Aja

You would think that after the success of Avatar, movie makers would want to replicate the intricacies of 3D that the movie was able to bring to the audience. Instead, Avatar's success seem to obsess Hollywood with post-process 3D at an alarming and annoying rate. Piranha 3D is another victim of this trend and what is worse than that is the fact it it is only released in theaters in 3D - a local drive-in is showing it in 2D however - forcing us to endure its cheap effects. The most problematic thing is that "blue screen" cardboard effect where the depth is there but everything looks mighty flat. Thankfully,the movie is entertaining enough that I could forgive its hefty price tag and unnecessary 3D gimmick.

Piranha 3D should be self-explanatory when it comes to its plot and it surely is. If you are a horror fan, you want to watch this movie for one thing and one thing only: the river party massacre. There's nothing more fun (and sick) than seeing beautiful people with perfect bodies being eaten alive by a bunch of hungry fish, especially when there's that no-holds-barred attitude on how the entire carnage is presented. It takes a while to get to the meat of the movie but the build-up is paced wonderfully. The piranha themselves look pretty convincing but that realism is often taken away by the forced 3D moments. For a movie about an unstoppable nasty legion of man-eaters though, which should be a pretty standard kind of affair, it really doesn't know how to end itself. It's disappointing that a movie that could give you some nasty looking violence would shift its focus to some "family friendly" sequences to bring everything to close.

Until the 3D technology is perfected, there is no reason why a movie release is limited to 3D so let us hope that Piranha 3D does not encourage future movies to do the same. 3D doesn't really add anything to this movie. While the effects can look good, when they are not, they look really really terrible and that can easily take you away from the movie experience. If you are looking for a fun horror movie though, Piranha 3D is entertaining enough, especially with the one death orgy sequence that is thoroughly satisfying to watch.

RATING: 3 out of 5

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