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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tera: Rising from the Ashes

I was watching a friend of mine played Tera Rising by Bluehole Studio last night on twitch.tv and I have decided to give the game another chance. I have been all over the play when it comes to sampling massively multiplayer online role playing game these days, trying to find the right one to sink my teeth into because that mood for a good MMO grind is here again. Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World are my two top choices but I just couldn't get into them. They just don't feel "right" at the moment. I have decided to jump into Rift as well as Star Wars: The Old Republic and the latter can be quite enjoyable at times. As you may already know, I hated Tera - during its subscription-based iteration - when I first tried it. I hated it so much that it was one of those immediate deletion cases because I was so disgusted by the controls. My friend insisted that the controls are simpler than they imply due to some skill chaining system that requires only the press of one input command. The one thing I cannot argue about Tera Rising however is its majestic graphics. They are probably the best in the MMO market, if you can stomach all the partial nudity and the overwhelming "the less you wear as a female, the more powerful you are" mentality. So why can't the guys get gears that show off plenty of skin? I have begun downloading the client this morning so I will playing the game again very soon. Seeing my friend clearing a dungeon, fighting those massive bosses did look pretty darn fun but I also have to bear in mind here that my friend used to be a subscriber of the game so he has been granted the "Founder" status and is blessed with benefits that I will not have playing the game. I hope this is not going to be a waste of time and if the game rubs me the wrong way again in any fashion, I will not hesitate to delete it from my hard drive, this time for the rest of eternity.

My interest has definitely risen but will the gameplay take flight?

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