○ Video Games ○ Humanity ○ Individuality ○ True Freedom ○ Be Free ○
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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Game Room 3.0 Update

Working on this new Game Room has been quite challenging. The number one problem for me is definitely space. The room I'm working with is small and sacrifices had to be made when it comes to visibility and accessibility to all of my gaming items. I have the basic layout done and this is the way the room is going to look during my stay at the current residence. As I have mentioned previously, I had to rely on storing a lot of my gaming goods at other locations inside the house. Though things are looking neat and organized, there are still a lot of work to be done, especially in regards to cables and wires connectivity as well as shuffling items in between spots.  As you can see, I made sure that there is enough space in the middle of the room so that I can still enjoy venturing into the VR realm whenever I please. Things are shaping up nicely, I think.

Now equipped with a 55" 4K display.

This room is unable to contain all of the physical copies of my video games.

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