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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Closet Case

I forgot to post a picture of the closet in my Game Room 3.0 - Yes, it's way smaller than the walk-in closet a.k.a. Game Treasure of the past, which was capable of housing more than half of my physical gaming items I have in my possession. I crammed two dressers into the closet to maximize space and used the shelf at the top portion to stack up some of my original X-Box games on top of whatever I could fit in. I am not too happy that I ended up blocking easy access to those games but I don't use my original X-Box console that often anyway. It's all a matter of putting everything away for now. I can always make the necessary adjustments in the future.

I don't even have the desire to take these Skylanders out of their boxes at this time.

There are X-Box games behind the Maracas Controller and Sega Genesis cases.

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