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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, March 23, 2018

Surviving Posters

As I have mentioned recently in a previous post, a majority of the posters taped to wall of my previous home didn't make the move. I ended up dumping them all out last week. The remaining usable ones have finally been posted up on my new Game Room. Even though a couple of the Skylanders roster posters are mangled beyond belief, I did end up keeping them because of all the stickers I have on them but these are rolled up and stored away. The new Game Room walls looked really bare before I have these posters up. I know there are only a few of them no but at least finally, it feels a little bit more like home again.

It's important to have the Skyrim map handy.

The crew of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II are always with me.

2013 seems like an eternity ago.

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