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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Welcome Home, Guardians of Middle-earth!

As a console Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, Guardians of Middle-earth was indeed intriguing and playable when I delved into it on the PlayStation 3. As a matter of fact, I thought it was pretty darn good. The main problem with it, other than the shockingly poor visuals, was the lack of mouse and keyboard implementation which could have been easily supported on the consoles. Well, like I always say to myself these days, all good things will come to Steam sooner or later, and this game becomes the latest in the ever continuing Steam dominance over all. Again, I feel really horrible for ever investing in the game on the PS3 in the first place and I am now crystal clear that I should not bother inducting anymore console games from this point forth other than those for the handhelds and those made by the internal studios of console makers.

More MOBA? No problem!

This Personal Computer version by Zombie Studios, slated for a Steam release on August 29th, will include everything that was on the console version but with the addition of higher resolution graphics - which I hope also means that it will be 60 frames per second instead of that seemingly fluctuating 5 fps on the PS3 - as well as, you guessed it, mouse and keyboard controls! The funny thing here is that this PC version will also support gameplay using the controller but you have to be clinically insane to choose that over the mouse and keyboard when it comes to MOBAs. See, if the PC version can have the controller option, why couldn't they give the console version keyboard and mouse option? So silly. Now, it will be easy to just move the camera all over the large map and be strategic about the gameplay. There is a problem however with this PC version - there's an admission price! Oh no, when you have the highly superior MOBA giants in the forms of DOTA 2 and League of Legends already completely free to play, this is a really idiotic decision. The right approach would be to allow everyone to play for free but they have to earn the in-game cash to eventually unlock all the guardians permanently or they can choose to pay to unlock them immediately. Also, plan to sell more alternate looks for the guardians and keep developing more of those guardians in the first place. I heard that those who got the console version may be able to play it for free but that hasn't been confirmed yet. If that's true, us early adopters should be given complete access to all the guardians. As I mentioned earlier, I really do like this game a lot. It was problematic on the PS3, true, but this PC reincarnation, if optimized accordingly, will be an irresistible little MOBA that I would definitely play. I sure hope that will be the case so that I can play my favorite guardian, Galadriel of course, a lot more often!

Update Note: 08/21/2013 - Those who own the game on the console by 08/15/2013 and have completed at least one match can redeem the Steam version for free! The redemption instruction can be found on the game's webpage. Too bad we don't get all the guardians unlocked however as we will only be getting the "Standard Pack".

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