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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Of Bad Books and Nintendo's Hooks

Nintendo should be proud that I now own 10 games on the Wii U system. With the lack of interesting games on the system, you know that it is a hard thing for anyone to pull off. The bump to 10 was facilitated by a recent promotion by Nintendo that involved registering two 3DS games to my Club Nintendo profile: Fire Emblem: Awakening as well as Shin Megami Tensei IV . I received a copy of the latter yesterday and as soon as I got the $30 eShop credit, I registered it to my Wii U console and with it, I proceeded with getting Nano Assault Neo as well as Pikmin 3. I really love the fact that I got this game as a digital download, especially at the reduced price. I really think that Nintendo should consider offering a price difference between the physical copy versus the digital download. $39.99, which match my price threshold, would be perfect and I would not hesitate for a moment to just get any of Nintendo's own Wii U's game at that price. Too bad my Pikmin 3 purchase wouldn't qualify me for that Euro-only The Wonderful 101 30% off promo though... Those lucky bastards!

I love them in digital-form Nintendo, please give a valid reason to get more.

Since Shin Megami Tensei IV was brought up in the discussion, I would like to express my disappointment in the "Limited Edition" release. Why is this thing bundled with... a strategy guide? I hate strategy guides as you can read from a previous post here. It's the anti-game. You should want to explore a game on your own versus using a strategy guide. You may as well just watch someone play a game from the beginning to the end on twitch.tv instead of ever playing that game yourself. The really, really thick book that came with this LE is called "Strategy & Design Book" and they are somewhat right I suppose. The problem here is that the "Design" part, which includes artwork and the likes, only consists of less than 1% of the book! The rest is just detailed strategies on how to get through the game. Disgusting. Don't rush to get this game just to be able to score this LE release. It's not worth it. You think the big box is pretty? Just remember that it's also pretty darn flimsy. It'd cooler if it was a metal case.

Still can't decide on what to do with that other Atlus disappointment: the Dragon's Crown poster.

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