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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Vita, BigPlanet

I found myself in that same sterile waiting room again this morning as I accompanied the spouse to another surgical procedure. Since the PlayStation Vita helped alleviate the waiting the last time I was here, I decided to bring it along again. The hospital Wi-Fi was not in a sharing mood this time around unfortunately but I did have a little bit of fun with LittleBigPlanet PS Vita. I will say that this game does look surprisingly incredible on the Vita and despite the washed-out appearance and somewhat neutered visual effects, it is still a visual treat thanks to its whimsical, stylized art direction. I only managed to complete 2 levels before the separation anxiety kicked in but I did get to the photo-taking using the Vita camera part of the gameplay. It would be impolite and probably improper to take pictures of random people in the waiting room so...

Exciting, I know and it turned out to be a religious article too. Yucks.

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