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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Gigantic 3,000

When I received my copy of Dragon's Crown for the PlayStation 3 yesterday, it marked another milestone in my gaming life for it was the 3,000th inductee into that scary, overgrown hedge maze I called my Game Library.

The poster is an afterthought because it's one of those in-store "product now available" posters.

The spouse would definitely be harassing me about this fact and it will surely be brought up in future "discussions". I never really put the continuously increasing number in mind when I induct my games into the library but this new count does give me slight pause. Over the last couple of days, as I was noticing the eventual countdown to 3,000, I have been diversifying my free gaming time by steering clear of League of Legends for the Personal Computer to investigate the hidden aisles, buried catacombs, and dusty corners of the library. I do love my LoL to death but I feel compelled to celebrate all these other games that I always have access to whenever I wanted to. My mind kept going back to this article I wrote back in early 2011 and I was telling myself that perhaps the time is now to act strategically in both focus as well as time distribution. It didn't seem that long ago since my library hit the 2,000th game mark - actually, it has been close to 4 years - but time does feel like it's moving too fast, yet it's obvious that gaming itself is the true catalyst to that feeling of fleeting, lost moments.

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