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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Games Played 08/20/2008


Guardian Force (1998)
Developer: Success
Platform: SegaSaturn
Purchase Date: 07/25/2002

The games uses a lot of fancy 2D effects like scaling and rotation.

Guardian Force is a tank-based 2D shooter with the ability to strategically rotate your shots 360 degrees. Since dual analogue stick controllers didn't exist back then, the shoulder buttons are used to accomplish that effect instead. This is a fun shooter with some unique bosses and power ups. If a dual-stick configuration were to be made possible, it would definitely play much better though. Just too ahead of its time I suppose.

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

1 comment:

PilarVIRUS said...

Hey Loner what up hey man i need to get into contact with you asap my e-amil is kerwinste@gamercenteronline.net