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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Game Room 4.1 Incoming?

Well, it's Christmas time and while most people are adorning their homes with Christmas decorations, I get to work on my... Game Room? Let's not celebrate this news just yet! I am just tired of sitting around in here surrounded by these dull Amazon boxes that I mostly use as my moving containers, and I mean t-i-r-e-d! I was just like, f^ck this, I'm going to leave everything to the spirit of gaming and regain my Game Room, come what may! Life is too short not to be enjoyed, and it was much more fun when this Game Room was alive several months ago.

The Skylanders are out and about! Free from their cardboard prisons!

I have already torn open a couple of boxes and it felt so very good. It's like you haven't been intimate in a while and suddenly, you got an explosive orgasm. I am just moving along at a slow pace here and I am keeping all of these opened boxes close by in case I need to put everything away again, but it seems like that may not take place any time soon. The actual layout of the room will remain the same as it was in 4.0, but I am going to experiment with the placement of things. This used to be a storage room: those with a keen eye for details may have noticed the big old shelves and doorless closet in here that are not necessarily the best to be used as repurposed gaming collectible space vs. storing essential sundries. I made it work however, ever since I got here. Moving everything out to the storage shed took quite a while and at first, I wanted to get rid of the furniture as well, but you know, it costs money to get new ones that fit a Game Room better. If you are interested to check out the progress of the rejuvenation project, check out the footage from my past twitch streams on my YouTube channel or stop by the Game Room while I'm live.

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