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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, July 4, 2022

Physical Games Are Hard

As I have mentioned recently, I am in the process of moving to a new home. I am still weighing my options in terms of the locations, but I am homing in on several promising spots. It's safe to say though that Hawaii is off the list at the moment because well, there is a reason why I am where I am. There used to be this one extra-friendly, older Hawaiian phlebotomist who worked at my primary physician's office. Every time I was sent her way, she would always encourage me to come home. She would always ask me about my last trip to Hawaii and inquire about my family. Of course, telling her that my parents are ready to kill me because I am gay would probably change her sunny disposition and since, well, she was the one doing the poking, I wanted her to always be in a jolly mood so she could easily find my vein. So now it's down to Alaska and, uh what was it that I said before, Connecticut? Somebody suggested Texas because of the affordable housing market but that would almost be as bad as moving to Hawaii at this point. Progress on the living arrangement is slow and steady but I am about halfway done with packing up my things. And you know what? I have to let this out of my chest: physical games are just not worth it!

Slowly but surely, the Game Room is starting to look like a storage room.

Ever since I have moved into my current home, I have only added a measly number of physical Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 games (and a couple of 3DS games?) into my collection but dear galaxy, why is it that every single bloody time I have to pack up these things, it feels like I have a million of them. I was really, really, REALLY close to selling these games off. I am sure there are always someone out there looking for the physical copy of an old game, right? If I knew back then how much of a hassle owning physical objects can be, I would have been willing to not own any of these physical games in exchange for a freer and sparser existence. Yeah, there used to be a time that I thought video games will always be delivered via some sort of physical media. I surely hope that this will be the last time for me to relocate because if I have to do this all over again... I don't think I am going to survive the process! Happy 4th of July!

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