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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Steam Treasure: Slimy Sextet

I go through the Discovery Queue on Steam a lot and I allow Valve to show me everything that it has in store, and I mean everything. As you may expect, there are a lot of crapware on Steam but some are just more special than the rest. Today, I found... Slimy Sextet.

Use your tentacles like the Na'vi use their hair!

This $2.99 game is going to going to sell well... I think they have done it! You know that the ultimate anime sex fantasy - well, I wouldn't know, and I am just guessing here - involves tentacle sex that you often see in them anime shows? And this game, your character is a tentacle creature? The story is pretty spicy too. You are apparently a creation of an angry fairy who wants to revenge fuck a hero who owes her a baby for helping that hero kill a demon king. What a setup eh? I guess this also means you have acquired a license to tentacle the crap out of a bunch of unfortunate waifus along the way. Sick? Stupid? This Adult Only Steam visual novel is pretty cheap and as a bonus, it's supposedly fully voice acted but I didn't see that being showcased in the trailer!

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