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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, March 8, 2021

Before You Get Fat You See the Ring?

Fitness is an important part of my life but these days, I have not been keeping up on keeping fit. Late last year, I started using Ring Fit on the Nintendo Switch as my go to exercise routine and I was able to keep to my schedule for about a month and a half before I had to stopped when I scraped the crap out of my left knee. Though I didn't see much progress in terms of weight loss, the routine did increase my stamina and endurance. I wouldn't say that Ring Fit doesn't work because in the past, whenever I get into an exercise routine, it would usually take at least two months for me to see real physical difference. 3+ months later, I feel that it's high time to get moving again. I have made the decision to stop using Ring Fit however because I know that I am not exercising as intensely as I could: too much fun, not enough sweat. I like that Ring Fit made me feel like I was playing a game instead of working out, and that very factor dominated my choices of exercise routines these past several years. But it's time to take it seriously again, without any gimmicks this time around like motion tracking nor cute monsters to kill. It's time to go back to Maya with Yourself!Fitness on the X-Box. It looks like the last time I attempted a return to Yourself!Fitness was in 2014, which feels like a lifetime ago. I hope that things will go smoothly this time around so that I can get the same result the first time I committed to this workout program. Oh, and there will be no streaming me doing my workouts anymore because I want no distractions. I want to be in the zone and I want to feel healthy again! Maya's a bit scary though so let's hope for the best!

If there's a will, there's a Maya.

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