○ Video Games ○ Humanity ○ Individuality ○ True Freedom ○ Be Free ○
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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, March 28, 2021

ACNH Fashion: Redefining Duck Lips

I have been playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch since mid-January of this year and I have been loving it despite the game being the grindiest title on this side of the modern crafting genre. I believe I have found the best looks for my character this week. It's so fashion, it's so adorable... It's so stupid! It's the one aspect of the game that I enjoy the most - customizing my character using the vast options available with seemingly never-ending new pieces being introduced daily. I am wearing this combination at all times and when I change things up, I will make sure to post an update on this site!

Hair: Matronly Bun
Face: Double-Bridge Glasses and Beak
Body: Baby Chick Costume
Legs: Striped Tights
Feet: Water Sandals
Accessory: Pleather Fringe Bag

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