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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Lazy Valve Lawyers

Today, Valve has started to accept pre-orders of their line-up of Steam Machines and peripherals via the Steam client. I am not going to keep beating on that now rotten dead horse, you can click here to have a little taste of what I think about their living room gaming agenda. More interesting however, I can't help but notice the following bold statement in regards to these Steam Machines:

Oh my. Did you mean, "most modern TVs in the house" Valve?

It states, without any kind of disclaimers, that you can "play your Steam Machine on any TV in the house". You know Valve, there are still people out there who uses really, really old televisions without the proper digital input connections so, don't be surprised when they get pissed off. This whole living room gaming is so... 2010? You would think that people play games in their Game Rooms or Man Caves or Woman Caverns these days so that they won't be bothered by those non-gamer friends or family when those folks decided to stop by the house... invited or, galaxy forbid, uninvited!

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