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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, August 19, 2013

No, That's Not an Instruction Booklet

Ah, those who are still obsessed with getting "retail copies" of games and insist that gaming should not be distributed exclusively via digital means and the developers who do not have the guts to pave the way into the real future of gaming... These guys are silly, are they not? I mean, why would they cling to physical distribution when the game manuals have been reduced to something that is not even a game manual. For instance, this copy of Tank! Tank! Tank! for the Wii U that I received today. Within the thin interiors of its "Instruction Booklet" - 6 pages in all in which, the last two pages are reserved for "Notes" - contains nothing about the actual game but instead, we get seizure warnings and warranty information in both English as well as French! Oh no, they forgot to put the information in Spanish in there! If both Microsoft and Sony were real gaming innovators, they would have carried their customers into the digital age but since they are still not very smart about how to do this right, you developers should consider just focusing on selling your games on Steam - Hint: You wouldn't have to lie and print abominations such as this fake manual anymore:

No, that's not an "Instructional Booklet". That, my friend, is an insult.

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