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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Games Played 08/29/2008

Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou - PlayStation 2
Donpachi - SegaSaturn
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift - NDS
Galaga Legions - X-Box 360
Ikaruga - X-Box 360


Alundra (1997)
Developer: Matrix Software
Platform: PlayStation
Purchase Date: 01/10/1998

The village of Inoa holds many secrets...

This Landstalker/Zelda clone is definitely one of the most difficult games I have ever played. The game is tightly structured and it features a lot of mind bending dungeon puzzles and hardcore platforming elements. The storyline has a serious tone to it involving dreams and deaths and it takes a hold on you from the beginning until the end. One of the best imports from Working Designs who were often too lighthearted and cheesy when it comes to translating Japanese games for the western audience.

LIBRARY STATUS: 5 out of 5

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