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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Games Played 08/26/2008

Champions of Norrath - PlayStation 2
Ikaruga - X-Box 360
R-Type Command - PSP
Tekken Tag Tournament - PlayStation 2


Nightshade (2003)
Developer: Sega WOW
Platform: PlayStation 2
Purchase Date: 02/13/2004

On top of a jet in the middle of the city.
Can't get any more epic than that.

One of Sega's most endearing classics is the Shinobi series that graced Sega's earlier consoles. Nightshade is the second attempt to transition the franchise into 3D. Though as misguided as any other 2D to 3D projects by Sega, the game at least is playable and fun. The exciting scenarios that the game throws at you, like fighting on top of a jet or jumping between moving trucks inside a freeway tunnel, really help make Nightshade less repetitious than it actually is.

LIBRARY STATUS: 3 out of 5

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