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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Games Played 08/15/2008


Hyper Duel (1996)
Developer: Technosoft Co., Ltd.
Platform: SegaSaturn
Purchase Date: 07/24/2002

Classic 2d-shooter action that never gets old.

I picked this one up during my Ebay-Scavenger phase. Technosoft was famous for their Thunder Force series but their other shooters are not well-known to the general gaming populous. Hyper Duel is unique for the developer because the player's ship can morph into a robot and the player has to adjust between using the ship form and the robot form to survive through the enemy waves. It's faster than Thunder Force - though less refined - and features a two-player co-op mode! Epic bosses, killer soundtracks... It's hyper-fun.

LIBRARY STATUS: 5 out of 5

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