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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, October 17, 2022

Home and the Places In-Between

I thought that by now, I would have found myself in a new home, setting up my new Game Room by applying creative techniques to maximize the nooks and crannies of the room that I have chosen for such purpose. I still dreamed of the glorious days of Game Room 2.0 - It was the perfect amalgamation of all of my physical gaming items, embraced by a generous amount of room. The last two iterations have been a challenge for me with version 3.0 lacking any real open space while 4.0, where I am writing this from, being more of a temporary gaming station (if you want to call 2+ years temporary that is) which means that I couldn't customize it entirely to my liking. Things are not as simple as I would like them to be. Such is life. Situations evolve, things change, circumstances complicate. Now, I am not even sure moving is going to happen anymore.

Looking like a storage room than a gamer brothel.

It's hard to enjoy celebrating my gaming hobby at the moment with almost everything packed up. This is a continuing theme, unfortunately, since 3.0 because even back then, my gaming stuff was not stored together in a cohesive way where they ended up in places like the bedroom and office. Right now, I am feeling disconnected from my gaming goodies, and it feels downright depressing sometimes. I am doing my best to keep it together, and I know that I am lucky to still be able to have a stable place to exist and do the things that I enjoy. Between 2.1 and 3.0, I was actually living in hotel rooms for a while - I can appreciate the little things in life these days after experiencing something like that. It was the lowest point in my life with the gaming PC and the Nintendo 3DS being the only two gaming items I was able to have with me (the rest were in storage) throughout the ordeal. They kept me sane and focused. I hardly discuss the influence of music in my life, but it was during that time that I discovered a new song called Cloud Riders by one of my favorite singers, Tori Amos, and that song helped me remained hopeful about my future - that all I needed to do was just hold on a while longer and things will be alright.

The part when Tori sang You shout, "Run for cover!" I scream, "Rev the triumph's engine!" and then concluded that even in the inevitability of suffering, one can survive by riding out this storm was immediately relatable to me, and the song became a constant companion until I finally found myself a new home. The current situation isn't remotely close to being as dire now, but life is unpredictable. At the end of the day, I just want my Game Room back. The feeling of being settled, that feeling that I belong, is a slippery one to grasp. I just keep reminding myself that I need to keep that blanket on at all times as Tori suggested. Just because I am in an unhappy place, it doesn't mean that I can't make myself as comfortable as I possibly can.

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