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Friday, October 9, 2020

PC Upgrade 2020: Syber Cube Style

It took about 3 weeks and today, my customized "Creator PC Ultimate" pre-built from CyberPowerPC is finally here. The two main components upgraded here for me are the i9-10900K CPU from i7-6770K and the RTX 3080 from GTX 1080. The rest are pretty much comparable to my previous personal computer, with a bump in solid state system drive performance going from a SATA 250GB to a NVMe 2TB. Of course, all of these are wrapped around in such an attractive packaging in the form of the Syber Cube. I have never been big on fancy PC cases. Most of my past PCs did look rather ugly on the outside. The last two were fancy enough, one looked edgy while the other included LED lights, but I figured that I have lived 40+ years so why not celebrate a little? As soon as I saw the Syber Cube design, I was immediately in love and there was no turning back. There is a blatant miss with this design however - it's lacking front USB connections, which is odd when they could have easily placed them at the non-glass bottom panels where the on/off switch is. That did give me a slight pause before finalizing my decision but the aesthetics are just too unique. A bit of form over function here but what a beautiful form it embodies.

I feel like I am in a sci-fi movie.

The Syber Cube is a sight to behold. It looked cool in all these pictures and videos I have seen showcasing it but in real life, it's just so surreal. The way it just sits nimbly there on top of the small stand it comes with, you would think that it would wobble to the touch but it's actually very sturdy. It comes with a cute little remote where you can change up the light patterns, colors, and speed. It's the best looking PC case ever. Redownloading Steam and having it recognize the games off my external hard drives was a cinch, though because of the sheer number of games I have on them, these HDDs are secretly doing stuff in the background to tie up loose ends because downloading new games is very, very slow at the moment. I have only tested one game with the new system and it's Control on Steam. I maximized everything, ray tracing and all, and played the game at 4K and you know what? 60fps, not a single frame drop. Amazing. With the previous system, I was only able to do 30fps at 720p with the same settings. I am truly loving my Syber Cube! CyberPowerPC definitely did a great job with this order. The box this thing came in looked a little disheveled with dents and creases abound - that must have been a rough ride on the UPS Ground truck - but the foam paddings inside kept everything together.

Got to be careful not to stare at the lights for too long.

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