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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, January 9, 2011

PS3 Netflix at 1080p?

I was playing too much League of Legends on the Personal Computer this morning and since I forgot to charge my wireless mouse last night, I had to stop my extended session so that the mouse wouldn't just die on me mid match. Since I had been gaming for hours on end, I just wanted to relax with some Netflix streams and since I had to charge up my mouse on its charging dock, I decided to use the PlayStation 3 to do so. I was surprised that the stream is now upscaled to 1080p - during its introduction, it was stuck at 720p. I still prefer watching Netflix on the PC but it looks like the PS3 is now a good alternative for me instead of my noisy X-Box 360 Elite. Besides the Nintendo Wii, I also have another Netflix-enabled device in the living room in the form of a Samsung Blu-ray player that I got for my significant other. We would use that to watch random movies whenever we are in the mood but that also means that my Game Room is now strictly for gaming instead of also being a movie room for the two of us.

While most PS3 games are still at 720p, I'm just glad they at least fixed that problem for Netflix.

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