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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Change of Heart: Gaming as a Couple

Something amazing happened yesterday - my significant wanted to play a video game with me. I was given the option to pick the title for our delightful yet sudden gaming session and my mind of course immediately went to the Nintendo Wii because of the ease and comfort of controlling using the Wii-mote. The game of choice? The House of the Dead: Overkill and the reason for that is simple - the game only requires you to point the controller and shoot! We had a blast playing the game and what was supposed to be a half an hour session ended up being extended to an hour of sweet togetherness.

It may seem to be an odd choice but we have a history of playing this game before.

My significant explained to me that this will be an ongoing activity for us. I later found out that the new interest into gaming was triggered by an article that list different things that couples need to do with each other to strengthen their relationships. Apparently, playing video games together was one of the things listed. I am not sure if this magical writing was the work of Oprah.com but I am not going to complain nor ask too many questions in regards to it. Instead, I thanked my significant other for the lovely time and I plan to just enjoy these moments whenever they happen - it may be only once or twice a week but that is certainly better than nothing! The next time that we are going to do this, we are going to play a game that uses the conventional controller! I cannot wait!

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