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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 3DS is Not Cheap

Last week, the pricing and the release date of the new Nintendo 3DS were revealed and as a fan of anything Nintendo, I am of course excited about the announcement. The one thing that seems to be troubling a lot of people about the 3DS is the battery life - a short 3 to 5 hours when the 3D mode is enabled - but as someone who has hardly played more than a couple hours on the road on other handhelds, that is not a problem for me at all. The real problem for me if of course the price. $249.99! What the heck! The 3DS is officially the most expensive handheld video game system ever made but judging from the footage of the Resident Evil and the Super Street Fighter IV titles being played on the thing, it looks like the 3DS has some real power behind it. Of course, it is hard to really say if it would look as beautiful with the thing sitting in my hands but if the low quality videos I have seen could evoke the great sense of awe that I felt, I am sure that the 3DS just will not disappoint graphically. I am not too big on the 3D thing because it seems like you have to be very stiff with your arms to get the optimal effect while holding the handheld but 3D without glasses is very cool and we are seeing that the television manufacturers are trying to perfect that technology as well. So overall, there might be a delay in me actually going out and getting a 3DS due to that ridilculous price but it's great to know that the technology will arrive very shortly. It's also nice to know that the games will not be so expensive either - $39.99 per title? That's pretty sweet.

Click here to learn more about the 3DS.

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