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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Of Backlogs and Dust Collectors

Today is the start of Valve's Steam Summer Sale, which as the years go by has become less and less exciting to me because, well, I pretty much have a lot of these games already - outside of the fresh brand-new games that normally don't get a significant price drop anytime soon. Thus, I don't participate in them as heavily as I have done so in the past. Still, I always manage to find myself a bunch of games to induct into my Game Library when the prices are right. It is during these large sales event that the word "backlog" gets tossed around everywhere within the Steam community. Sure, there used to be a time, or two, when I had a differing opinion about this whole backlog thing in the past, but I'd like to share with you my thought about this concept nowadays.

What does that mean, exactly?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

It's Been 14 Years...

I was talking to my guy today on our way back from the lake and we were chatting about a celebrity who recently started streaming on YouTube. He was impressed by my knowledge of streaming - mind you, he is a non-gamer, and though he likes watching shorts on YouTube, he doesn't partake in live chatting, and that includes my own Twitch channel (though he may stop by every once in a while). He was impressed by my knowledge of live streaming and asked me, "How do you know so much about this?" I told him I have been streaming since 2010 and even I had to check myself when I said that. It truly has been that long since I first started going live on the Internet, exposing myself to online strangers while I partake in my video gaming hobby.

I tried looking for my oldest possible livestream with a facecam and I found this from 10 years ago.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

From Heroes to Just About Anything Else!

It's been a while, I know, and with my return, I have great news to share with you! I have been Heroes of the Storm free for close to a month! Yes, HotS... That dastardly delicious game that is so easy to get into and so hard to let go. To its defense, know that HotS is one of the best games I have ever played, but I have other games to play too you know, and I am not going to live forever - a fact that a lot of people just don't understand apparently since they are preoccupied with how others live their lives instead of focusing on their own. How did I manage this? Well, I am just sick and tired of getting matched against premade groups as a solo player. It's match after match after match after match in every mode. After dealing with this issue for a long, long time, I was just... Done. I sure hope that other solo players will follow suit so that the premades can finally get a taste of their own medicine. They only love the game when they are matched against solos, so when they have to actually work hard to win a game, it's over for them. Perhaps 5 years from now, us solo players can come back to the game to find that the premades have moved on to better things in their lives outside of circle-jerking each other raw day in and day out (even at the wee hours of the morning). But I really doubt that.

HotS is not listed in the last 7 stream categories on my twitch channel? What?!